Martynas švedas. oda ir rekonstrukcija
(martynas švedas. leather and reconstruction)

short documentary (2020)

Martynas Švedas – a leatherman, one of four pouchmakers in Lithuania who is engaged in the authentic reconstruction of historical leather findings. Through his research, Martynas seeks an answer to the significance of historical heritage for man and society. Through his research, Martynas seeks an answer to the significance of historical heritage for man and society.
Official selection "Mind the indie film festival", 2021
Best alternate content "CORE international film festival", 2021
Semi-finalist "London Indie Short Film Festival", 2021
Director / producer / editor: Eglė Rupaitė
Cinematographer: Laurynas Lukoševičius
Sound director: Viltė Gustytė
Colorist: Arvydas Gazarian