tiltas (the bridge)

short film (2020)

Surrounded by the forests stands an old hanging bridge. No one dares to cross it. For the ones who do end up never returning. The only one who survived the crossing - village weirdo Vycka.
Giedrius and Vycka bet on whether Giedrius would dare to cross the bridge. But he doesn't know that his fortune is at stake.
Director / Producer : Eglė Rupaitė
Producer: Birutė Vaičiūnaitė
Director of Photography: Laurynas Lukoševičius
Sceenplay: Dovilė Katiliūtė, Aurelija Bagdonaitė
Sound Design: Viltė Gustytė
Production Designer: Morta Petkevičiūtė
Costume Designer: Silvija Verikaitė
Editors: Jokūbas Gedvilas, Eglė Rupaitė
Gaffer: Rokas Vaitkevičius
MUA: Eglė Ulevičiūtė
Poster design: Aistė Butler
Cast: Kipras Mašidlauskas, Edgaras Žemaitis, Arnolda Noir